Customer Testimonials

Testimonials: What Our Customers Are Saying...

To us, superior customer support is more than just answering the phones fast and replying emails promptly. It's about friendly, knowledgeable people dedicated to first-call solution. It's about 24/7 round the clock commitment. It's about catering for your needs before, during and after sales. YES; way after FOREVER.

In short, superior customer support is about being there for YOU at all times; and you can count on SmsCron people to always be there for YOU.

We use to send out automated reminders and important notices to all our customers. Your Bulk SMS Service has saved us a lot of money that would have been spent on call credits and also helps us to reach hundreds of customers at the same time.

Engr Felix Ezue
Fexio ICT Center, Enugu

All I can say is that: you guys offer a premium Bulk SMS Service at the cost of nothing. Honestly, I think that the value you create is much much greater than the price you charge...Just keep it up.

Engr Rex Uzoagbala
CEO SolarHub Nigeria Ltd